You can now find the DELICIOUS - Organic VEGAN Raw Bars and Raw Protein Bars GET IN SHAPE!
100% Organic, Vegan, Raw Gluten free, No sugar added, Soy free, Best tasting, Best meal replacement, Best healthy snack
in “MaranVEGAN” Vegan Supermarket in Vienna!
MaranVEGAN - With great Respect to the Pioneers of VEGAN culture in Austria! Family Maran opened the first Austrian Vegan Supermarket in 2013, in Vienna, Stumpergasse 57. Being always a symbol, contributing, being part or supporting the Vegan lifestyle, initiatives, the Vegan community and business and promoting humanity. "Unser großes Ziel: Wer bei uns einkauft, soll auch etwas mitnehmen. Nicht nur etwas, das dem Körper gut tut, sondern auch ein bisschen Nahrung für die Seele. Wir glauben von ganzem Herzen daran, dass der achtsame Umgang mit unseren Lebensmitteln uns zum Wesentlichen zurück bringt: Zum Menschsein." - Fam. Maran
MaranVEGAN, Vienna, Stumpergasse 57. - Vegan, Organic supermarket with Bistro. Seasonally inspired cuisine with fresh ingredients, predominantly organic and top-quality are prepared with skill to fine creations. Fresh fruits and vegetables, organic&vegan great food from around the world, fresh Vegan breads and cakes every day.
With deep appreciation to Josefine and Stefan Maran, and their whole team!!❤🌱